Коммерческий перевод (первый иностранный (английский) язык)

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do all contracts consist of numbered clauses?
does the subject matter of the contract include the total amount of money involved?
every international contract has several standard parts which are obligatory, doesn't it?
is an angry and abusive tone acceptable in writing complaints?
is it customary to place repeat orders for identical goods in all branches?
may the size of the future order be referred to in detailed enquiries?
should an agent have a wide circle of customers or good connection with authorities?
what does the amount of the commission paid to the agent depend on?
what do firms do if drawing up the requested offer takes several days?
what information do order-sheets that many companies use contain?
what is a special clause in contracts usually devoted to?
what is one the most difficult tasks that a correspondent can face with?
when are trial orders placed?
when discussing prices and terms is strong language in or out of place?
when do companies grant an agent a full agency?
which expression is used to answer a polite business request?
which expression is used to apologize?
which form of writing the date is hardly ever used?
which item among the ones given below is not included into the detailed description of goods?
which of the following characteristics of business enquiries is correct?
which of the following phrases is used to correct mistakes?
which of the following phrases is used to express a polite business request?
which part of the english business letter comes after the body of the letter?
which punctuation mark comes after the greeting as part of the business letter in great britain?
which term is to be inserted into the expression most frequently used in the letters of complaint: «please accept our...for this delay»?
which term is to be inserted into the expression most frequently used in the letters of complaint: «we to explain this discrepancy and correct this error»?
which term is to be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «we are … to learn that…?»
which term is to be inserted into the expression used in banking correspondence: «we should like to your bank»?
which term is to be inserted into the expression used in the letters of appointment of agency: «a commission of 5 percent will be paid for all... made through you»?
which term is to be inserted into the expression used in the letters of appointment of agency: «two copies of the draft agency...are also enclosed»?
which term is to be inserted into the expression used in the letters written to ask a firm or an individual to represent you: «enclosed you will find all the details of agency...»?
which term is to be inserted into the expression used when accepting the agency: «we were very pleased to receive your letter of… offering us the……for your product(s).»?
which term is to be inserted into the phrase most commonly used in connection with placing orders: «we agree to your terms and give you herewith a trial… for…»?
which term is to be inserted into the phrase most commonly used in connection with placing orders: «we rely upon you to … us with first-class articles»?
which terms are to be inserted into the expression most frequently used in the letters of complaint: «please...that you fully understand this letter and that you will follow future»?
which term should be inserted into the expression most commonly used in replies to enquiry: «we acknowledge with thanks … of your enquiry of...for...»?
which term should be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «if you are in the … to quote us lower prices and improve your terms, we may revert to the matter again?»
which term should be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «we ... not being able to accept your offer as other firms have offered us better prices and more favorable terms»?
which term should be inserted into the expression specifying the nature of the offer: «this offer is … for immediate acceptance...»?
which term should be inserted into the expression specifying the nature of the offer: «this offer is valid for... by telegram arriving before tomorrow noon»?
which term should be inserted into the phrase most commonly used in connection with placing orders: «enclosed please find order № 75 for…we shall be pleased to receive your… ?»
which term should be inserted into the phrase most commonly used in connection with placing orders: «we … to order 250 bags of coffee extra at usd…?»
which term should be inserted into the phrase of the discussion concerning the price: «please let us know whether you can ... this price»?
which term should be inserted into the phrase of the discussion concerning the price: «we suggest that you should revise your ... »?
which term should be inserted into the phrase of the enquiry: «we have a general … in buying various items of machine tools from you…»?
which term should be inserted into the phrase of the enquiry: «we should be very ... if you would kindly let us have by return of mail your prices for the various types of motor cycles you can offer, together with the delivery dates»?
which translation of the collocation «contract proper» is correct?
which translation of the collocation of general conditions of delivery (general provisions) «передать исполнение настоящего контракта третьим лицам» is correct?
which translation of the collocation «схема погашения долга» most frequently used in banking correspondence is exact?
which translation of the expression most frequently used acknowledging a complaint «we have now taken the matter up with...» is correct?
which translation of the expression most frequently used in banking correspondence « apply for a loan from our bank» is correct?
which translation of the expression « apply for a loan from our bank» most frequently used in banking correspondence is correct?
which translation of the phrase general conditions of delivery «передать покупателю имеющийся опыт» is exact?
which translation of the phrase of general conditions of delivery (arbitration) «решение арбитража является окончательным » is exact?
which translation of the phrase of general conditions of delivery «the title to the goods» is correct?
which translation of the phrase of general conditions of delivery «продавец несет все расходы» is correct?
which translation of the phrase of the subject matter of contract «именуемое в дальнейшем покупатель» is correct?
which translation of the phrase «контракт теряет силу» is correct?
which translation of the phrase «местом заключения настоящего контракта является г. москва, россия » is correct?
which translation of the phrase «ни одна из сторон по настоящему контракту» is correct?
which translation of the phrase «продавец несет все расходы» is correct?
which translation of the phrase «частичная отгрузка товаров не разрешается» is correct?
which type of request do these words correspond to: «…and therefore we request you kindly to send the enclosed enquiry to him»?
изучите материал учебника со стр. 65 по стр. 77 и выполните следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ: can it happen that in some trades definite quantities of goods are booked before orders are sent?
изучите материал учебника со стр. 78 по стр. 88 и выполните следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ: how often do trade companies rely on the help of an agent or representative who is thoroughly conversant with the market conditions in a foreign country?

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